“Portland State is conducting an APP (Academic Program
Prioritization) process during the 2014-15 academic year as a way to take stock
of the broad range of academic programs that our university offers. More specifically,
the results of this process will be used to support well-informed, strategic
planning for the purposes of program development and resource allocation and to
help in identifying new opportunities and directions for the university. The
goal is to build and share a greater understanding of who we are, what we do,
and how we interact with and support one another through our diverse array of
academic programs.” -- Academic Program
Prioritization Committee
- Providing
an overview of the APP process
- Discussing
and soliciting feedback on the draft proposals for Criteria,
Metrics, and Questions that will be used.
- Discussing and soliciting feedback on the draft proposed list of academic programs that are included in the review.
- Discussing
initial plans for the scoring phase of the APP process, including a role for
broader faculty involvement as members of the Program Scoring Teams (or PSTs).
There were great questions and comments – some from faculty who
were just learning about APP and from faculty who have been following the work
of the Faculty Senate and the APPC over this past year. Mark and the other members of the APPC did a
terrific job in responding to questions and listening to the concerns and input
received. I have no doubt that the
conversation was helpful to the APPC and those present in the audience.
Learning more about APPC:
There is a lot we can all learn about APP. On August 6th,
I blogged about
APP to share the preliminary work and to reiterate that this must be a faculty-driven
process. It is an opportunity for our faculty to determine and make known the
priorities for our academic program array.
You can follow the APPC work, including copies of the proposals
and other documents at the APP website.
You can also subscribe to the APPC
discussion mailing list via the blog
site. As of last week the appc-discuss@lists.pdx.edu had over 50 subscribers.
Next public forum:
The next public forum will be in January or
February of 2015. Details will likely be
announced at the January Faculty Senate meeting (or shortly thereafter) and on
the APPC blog.
Sy Adler, CUPA
Talya Bauer, SBA
Mark Jones, chair, MCECS
Karin Magaldi, COTA
John Rueter, CLAS
Lynn Santelmann, CLAS
John Rueter, CLAS
Lynn Santelmann, CLAS
Ex Officio:
Michael Bowman (in capacity of his Library faculty position, but there is also benefit in his role as chair of Faculty Senate Budget Committee)
Steve Harmon, Provost Office
Kathi Ketcheson, OIRP
Michael Bowman (in capacity of his Library faculty position, but there is also benefit in his role as chair of Faculty Senate Budget Committee)
Steve Harmon, Provost Office
Kathi Ketcheson, OIRP
I know members of the APPC would love to hear from you. To send a message just to APPC members please
use: pdxappc@gmail.com.
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